Saturday 21 November 2009


As a follow-up to my last post indicating my difficulty in renting the medium format digital back & 50mm wideangle lens, I decided I need to resort to plan b, and shoot on a DSLR for my test images.

The digital camera I own at current is the Canon 10d (old I know), so to find out what lens will have a similar area of coverage to the medium format 50mm lens, I need to do some maths!

According to this graph at the 50mm medium format lens is the equivalent to a 24mm lens on a 35mm camera.

However, my Canon 10d has a stupid 1.6x crop due to the small sensor, so I need to do the following:

24mm / 1.6 = 15mm.

...So my DSLR will need to use a 15mm lens in order to have a similar coverage to the 50mm medium format.

Apparently, the equivalent focal lengths can be inaccurate, and I have read on other websites that the 50mm equivalent on 35mm cameras is more like 28mm, which would be 17.5mm (18mm) on my Canon 10d.

The nearest lens that I own to either 15mm or 18mm would be the crappy kit lens (18-50mm) that came with the camera, so I will probably take this out in order to get the closest representation that I can.

My brain hurts now.


Misato Karibe said...

i didn't really read all....but im already confused with the 'special' language...
what are you talking about....

Tom Hargreaves said...

hehe, doesn't really matter too much, it was more reference for me i guess.

it's basically stating how to convert lens focal lengths from medium format cameras to canon dslr's.

cos i am having trouble getting access to the medium format digital camera at uni.

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